How sweet is this??
Low Country Living sent this my way yesterday - first one ever - and when i see who else she awarded it to - i am in awesome company! Thank you LCL!!! Ladies - go visit her and take a look at her awesome cottage renovation - i can't believe she's moving but i can believe she sold it fast - it's gorgeous!
Ok - i'm supposed to share 7 things about me...which, i'm sorry in advance, will bore you to tears - but here goes...
Living the Dream
7924 Cottage Way
The Amazing and Incredible Invisible Blog
The Center of Myself
Infatuated With Homes and Gardens
Walnut & Vine
The Woodard Gang
-Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
Low Country Living sent this my way yesterday - first one ever - and when i see who else she awarded it to - i am in awesome company! Thank you LCL!!! Ladies - go visit her and take a look at her awesome cottage renovation - i can't believe she's moving but i can believe she sold it fast - it's gorgeous!
Ok - i'm supposed to share 7 things about me...which, i'm sorry in advance, will bore you to tears - but here goes...
- I have to live near water otherwise i feel like i kind of can't breathe. I can see the lake from my driveway and while i don't have to be able to see the water from my house - i have to be able to get to it quickly. I don't know why that is, but i do know you will never see me living my parents' life in the mountains. I need H2O and sun. LOTS OF SUN.
- I was a flight attendant and it's the only job I've ever gotten in trouble to the point i was removed for 3 days without pay. It's also the only job I've ever walked off - like quit - before the shift was done. I think it's fair to say that was not the job for me.
- I totally forgot my first date with Vance. He drove over 2 hrs (he lived on the west coast) and got a hotel so that he wouldn't have to drive back and i totally forgot we even had a date - didn't have a sitter for the boys - and to just make it worse - when he called to say he was on his way - i actually said "Who is this again?". Yea, not my finest moment.
- I plan on the sky falling. I am the worst case chick - every time something good happens i look for the bad to come out of it. It makes Vance nuts.
- I actually like to clean the bathroom.
- On the other hand - I HATE doing laundry.
- I'm totally in love with my life right now. Truly, madly, deeply in love with where I am at this point in my life.
Living the Dream
7924 Cottage Way
The Amazing and Incredible Invisible Blog
The Center of Myself
Infatuated With Homes and Gardens
Walnut & Vine
The Woodard Gang
Stylish Blogger Award....

--Share seven things about yourself.
--Award seven recently discovered new blogs.--Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award.
--Award seven recently discovered new blogs.--Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award.