Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring Love at the Top of a Tree

There is something fascinating to me about the pair of cardinals in my backyard.  She is constantly squawking and flying away from him and yet he continues to chase her.  I truly hope that is not the secret to their relationship.  I caught this when she stopped flying from tree to tree and he got as close as he could get before she took off again.

Sweet girl, trust me, don't run away from a love that will chase you anywhere.  You'll find that's the best kind of love.

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of days.
- Matthew 28:20

Linking to Darcy's Sweet Shot Tuesday...

Sweet Shot Day


  1. So pretty! How lucky you are to get such beautiful birds in your backyard :)

  2. those are some fat cardinals! our birds never seem to hang around long enough to photograph... unless they are those creepy blackbirds (grackles?) that come in ginormous hordes. *shudder*

  3. Aren't they super huge? I thought so too but then, not being the birding pro - i thought maybe all cards were fat. They should stay around - they make me feel thin.

  4. very sweet post... love it. i JUST stalked a couple of cardinals on my way back from dropping the kids at school, but just couldn't get that shot! visiting from my3boybarbarians... :)
    {couldn't leave my reg blog addy: www.blessedmoon.squarespace.com}
